Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Winter's Fight


I’m determined to not let winter get the best of me. It’s  attempting to drag any sense of sanity out of me, shoving me into our four walls and locking me there for days on end.

The snow has been drizzling down for three days straight (lake effect snow they call it here in Michigan) and this crazy state does not plow roads. Even a drive to the grocery store requires much determination in this insane month.

So I’m digging my heals in and fighting back.
Finding the hidden gifts in this stingy season. I’m fighting back with gratitude and second glances.
In a moment of occupied kids, I grabbed my camera, every piece of winter apparel I could find, and no more than five minutes to look more closely.  That, along with my goal to GET THAT CAMERA OUT OF AUTO MODE, changed my eyesight, and my lens ushered me into a world of gratitude for all things winter (okay, let's be realistic here, some things winter).

Who knew an electric box could proclaim winter's beauty with snow piling high?

I was not exaggerating.  They really do NOT plow:

Today we settled in with a card game.
All this week I have been snuggling on the coach with books and boys, amazed that such leisure is in my job description.
I'm going to relish warm soups and winter evenings, like tonight, when the cold invites me to leave my million house projects undone and to prop my feet up under homemade quilts to type instead.
Winter, winter, winter.  I promise you will never have my affection like summer.  All the same, I am determined to befriend you.  You will not get the best of me yet.


  1. Way to go in looking for gifts during this winter season. I just order you a book from Amazon. The Circle of Life by Joyce Rupp. It is one of my favorite books. Curl up with a hot cup of tea under a cozy quilt (maybe one that i made) and contemplate what she writes about the opportunities winter gives us.

  2. this is great! i need to carry my camera with me more. winter will never hold my affection either! (as i type this sitting in a corner of my house where the sunshine can be on me)
