Thursday, January 17, 2013

Hammering Gratitude

That habit of discontentment can only be driven out by hammering in one iron sharper. The sleek pin of gratitude. I hammer” – Ann Voskamp

I have hammering to do in 2013.

By far, the most impactful read for me of 2012 was  Ann Voskamp's "One Thousand Gifts."  Ever  on the lookout to name the every day gifts around her, she hammers out discontentment by ushering in a new habit - of gratitude, of joy. 

Oh, that discontentment wouldn’t rear it’s ugly head in my life so frequently.  And it’s not disappearing on willpower alone. 

So hammering it is.  I'm looking to name gifts.  To speak joy.  And I've invited my five year old to join me, to start making the habits now, while he is small.  We have begun with three a day (times 365 brings us to just over 1,000 gifts in 2013)

I'm thrilled just walking past our latest idea of solidifying gifts.  I'm noticing this one little act of speaking and writing three things each day shifts my focus to notice other things, unspoken and unwritten, throughout the day.

Here it is, our latest wall hanging, that last month held Christmas cards and this month holds written evidences of gifts and of gratitude:

Nothing quite contributes to my grateful heart than watching my five year old write down his own list of gratitude, especially, for goodness sakes, when I'm part of them.  sigh. 

His list: "My whole family, that God is always with me, and - of course - dessert (because what gratitude list would be complete without dessert?)"

And..."Playing Sequence with Mommy."  Stab me in the heart right now.  

Even my two year old joined the fun, prompted with "Nolan, what are you happy about?"

"The practice of giving thanks...eucharisteo...this is the way we practice the presence of God, stay present to His presence, and it is always a practice of the eyes. We don't have to change what we see. Only the way we see.” -Ann Voskamp 

Here’s to sight in 2013.  To true sight.  


  1. What a beautiful piece. I am so proud of you for inviting your boys into your journey of hammering. And it cracks me up that front and center for Chuck is "DESSERT"

  2. this is beautiful! i can't wait to see all the bit of thanks at the end of 365. what a way to shape their minds. i too am thankful for being home and dessert!

  3. We are doing the Ann Voskamp thing this year too! I love your tree idea... much more visual than the journal we have going! I may have to rip up our book and stick it on the wall!

  4. Thanks so much! I need more fresh ideas to motivate me to keep it up till the end of the year!
