Is her family always that smiley, her life always so wonderful, her home really that darling?
These are real photos, taken by real people, that I really know. How could it be anything but real?
I know supermodels have personal trainers, personal cooks, and plenty of photoshop. But my sophomore year locker partner? I wrongly assume what I see is reality.
I'm one week into blogging and I'm already amazed that I can create any reality of who I am that I darn well please. {Well, except for the fact that mostly my mother and best friends read my blog, that is, and ya'll pretty much know I'm as much a mess as any (and love me still - lucky, lucky me).}
Nevertheless, for that gracious reader who has never met me, I can highlight all my culinary successes and you would never know I have been fumbling my way through the kitchen the last 8 years. I can highlight this season of mothering - which I really do love - and you would never know that just a year ago this month my husband left work in the middle of his day to rescue me from mothering mayhem. If I am feeling particularly vulnerable, maybe I'll go there in another post, but honestly, I would much rather relax on the couch and post all the fun pictures of what we are doing that we like around here.
And come on, do you really want to know that I stepped over this giant mess to make my grateful tree?
Okay, maybe you do. Sometimes I do. Without the after/ look-how-darling-I-made-this-once-ugly-space photo. I had high hopes to turn this space into an organized entry way. Sigh. But I pick grateful trees with my boys, books on the couch, and spending my evenings blogging instead.
Thank God there is an edit button in cyberspace and a grace button in reality. Lord knows we need both.